My Whac-A-Mole Life: My Blog Has a Fancy, New Design...But All I Got Was This Lousy Post   

My Blog Has a Fancy, New Design...But All I Got Was This Lousy Post

I've been MIA for a couple of weeks, and it's a shame because my blog has never looked better. I am loving the new design, and I hope you like it too. I guess what this means is that I've decided to commit to this blogging thing for awhile so I hope you’ll stick around.

For me, blogging makes sense. Since I was 7 and throughout my career as a professional writer, people have asked me if I was planning to write a book. As much as I love to write and tell stories, I usually stick to non-fiction. I've never felt the stirrings of the great American novel, and my descendants won't enjoy the bounties of a dusty manuscript discovered in a locked, desk drawer and published posthumously. I can posit, however, that my subject - or rather two of them - finally did find me, and provide enough fodder for a prolific (I'm talking Patricia Cornwell) series.

That said, I do not suffer from writer's block. I've got loads of post ideas all over the place – some partially written, some already committed (working on it @jillsmo) and some hanging on a dwindling brain cell thread (not likely to be remembered long enough to see the light of day). See, in addition to my cathartic need to write and not-always-pleasant experience churning out words under tight deadlines, I do have a funny-crazy life with lots of musings, opinions and anecdotes that probably will, in turn, make you laugh, cry and consider committing me.

So, you ask, if I have so much to say and no writer's block, why the hell don't I share all this brilliance more frequently? It's because I suffer from a lesser known blogger's malady known as “time block.” I have about 4 hours a day to do it all: work, clean, shop, know the drill. Otherwise, I am driving to and from schools inconveniently located 25 miles apart (how dumb am I?) or home, but unable to move my eyeballs off of my children for fear of a number of ludicrous but realistic scenarios and disasters.

Quiet and Time are my holy grail. That why I was so pleased a couple of weeks ago when I finally completed an absolutely delightful post (trust me) to complement this delightful new design. Now, as a master multitasker and closet tech geek, I manage this blog across several electronic devices and a number of blog editing apps. So after completing this Pulitzer-worthy post (guess you'll just have to take my word for it) on my laptop, I planned to cross the final metaphoric 't' on a mobile app while waiting in carpool line. Big mistake. Huge.  Instead, I somehow deleted the whole, darn mess.

I've recovered posts before through some Google subterfuge, but not this one. All gone. And THAT’S why I haven’t had the heart to revisit or rewrite anything since. And I still haven’t. You’re stuck with this ridiculous dear-diary-mumbo-jumbo instead. Sorry.

To make it worth your while, I am going to introduce a new series here on My Whac-A-Mole Life later today. See, you get two posts for the price of one. Because, while one with Time Block cannot fathom writing (or reading) the great American novel, I do have plenty of stories to tell. Oh yes, you just wait!

Oh, and thanks for hanging out with me. Let me know what you think of the new look and the ongoing evolution of My Whac-A-Mole Life.

xoxo, Gossip Girl
(Oops. I had to get that out of my system. I won't do it again. Promise.)
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  1. I could have written this myself (If I had actually been a very talented writer, anyways). But I feel the same way. I'd LOVE to write a freaking book and it would be awesome. But between the kids and my ADHD, it would end up not being able to be publish posthumously, because I don't finish anything. Ever.

  2. I love the look and am in constant fear that if I hit the wrong button things will go *poof*

    I'd be soooo PO'ed if everything did vanish. I'm sorry it happened to you!

  3. I love the look too! (Been wondering where you've been...) I am sure, once you get back into the swing of things you will rewrite that post and it will be AMAZING!

  4. I love the new look. It's clean and it pops at the same time. It definitely reflects your spirit. Have you thought of W-A-M tee-shirts? :)
