My Whac-A-Mole Life: A Letter From My Insurance Provider   

A Letter From My Insurance Provider

Dear Member # at Member Address,

We will not process your claim until you send us your Member # and Address.

We already have spent 10 days "processing" your claim, bothering your provider for codes, and then stamping this letter for delivery through the U.S. Postal Service (since we don't believe in email). But we're not quite ready to pay you yet.

In fact, we really hope you will not read this letter. Or perhaps you will, but you have so many other claims to interpret, appeal and decipher that we realize you probably won't get to this one for quite awhile. Either way, we anticipate that we will never, ever, ever reimburse you.

Have a nice day.

Your Insurance Provider

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  1. Have I told you today how much I loathe to work with insurance companies?!? Uggghhh!!!

    *bangs head on desk*

  2. Replies
    1. Really, really wacky! Thanks for the visit, Jenny!

  3. I wonder why medical costs are so high?

    1. It's curious, right?
      Thanks for dropping by!

  4. OMG i want to inflict serious bodily harm on this "entry specialist". This is clearly just a way to delay having to pay the Fing claim. Really? Really! They issued you the membership card. They have it in their system. They mailed you at your address. This is insane.

  5. Don't get me started on insurance. I have had years taken off my life this year dealing with them. I don't know who they scrape from the bowels of hell to work for them, but they are all f'ing idiots. ALL. Seriously, we had people OK'ing therapy, then the next person who picked up the phone having no record of the first conversation, and them not paying, then paying, then not, then me wanting to do something I can't write about here, for fear of ending up on some FBI most watched list...ha. I hate them. Literally. Anywho, I need to stop now as I am getting way too fired up...ha.
